Skammens rolle for konfliktløsning

af Marianne Telling og Bernt Møst Lien

En undersøgelse af hvorvidt mægling, med sin bevidste iscenesættelse af samtale, rummer potientale til at kunne forløse skam konstruktivt.

Under forudsætning af at skam eksisterer som et alment menneskeligt fænomen, undersøger vi, hvordan skam influerer på kontakten mellem mennesker, med særlig henblik på den asymmetriske konflikt mellem offer og overgriber.

Afhandlingen behandler både konfliktmægling mellem enkelte parter og stormøder og baserer sig på tværfaglig teori og på en fokusgruppesamtale mellem tre erfarne mæglere.

Vi undersøger også mæglers egen skam og hvilken rolle skammen spiller for alle de involverede parter.

Afhandlingen argumenterer for at uerkendt skam kan forstås som en central årsag både til konflikt, og til at konflikter varer ved. Vi finder det derfor hensigtsmæssigt for mægler at medtænke skammens rolle og mulige udtryk, i sin kontakt med parterne og valg af måder at mægle imellem parterne.

English summary

The dissertation explores the role of shame in conflict transformation.

Both shame and conflict are inherent in human existence. There are reasons to believe that shame plays a role in conflict, as both shame and conflict are relational phenomena. As shame is so closely connected to relations between people, shame in relation to mediation is explored further.

Shame, at least in some instances, might be playing an important role in the development of conflicts.

Shame plays a role in the dynamics of conflict transformation, and seems to have an influence on turning points.

There is good reason to consider the role of shame and its physical expression in the mediation process, and in the choice of mediation model.

It is important to consider the presence of the mediator’s own shame in the mediation process.
Precaution: There might be other, feasible explanations of the behavioural phenomena interpreted as physical signs of shame and shame strategies.

With regards to questions, hypotheses and directions for further work, the dissertation suggests among others:
• an exploration of the experience of shame among the parts in a conflict resolution process, possibly also through quantitative approaches such as the use of shame scales or other suitable measurements
• the development of approaches for mediator to better facilitate shame processes in conflict transformation
• micro and macro analyses of the semantics of shame, in order to find a best suited language approach for mediators
• an exploration of shame in relation to honour, pride, conscience, repentance, penance and comic relief in the conflict transformation process
• an analysis of the role of the mediator and the methodology, in search of provocative practices or non-practices